This little carefully assembled lodge is encompassed by a redwood woods only a couple of miles inland from the bank of Northern California, not a long way from Mendocino. This remote, calm lodge with space room and a little, southern-introduction deck offers an imaginative asylum from the rushed life.
Sitting on the deck or watching out the window, you could without much of a stretch vibe like you are in a treehouse! Based on stilts over a lofty slant, the inside of the lodge additionally has a treehouse stylish with uncovered encircling timber, handbuilt stairs and kitchen, and common completes on the wood.
Truly, it is rural, yet rich.
Sifted light and a tranquil feeling of asylum protect serene unwinding and sweet dreams.
This cozy cabin has 225 sq. ft. (20.92 sq. m) on the main level plus a 120 sq ft bedroom loft. It is available for rent through Airbnb – Owl Tree Cabin