Experience the outside more than ever, cozied up in the comfiest sovereign size bed under richly delicate sheet material with time to spare yet gaze at those star-filled Texas skies and one another. Rest outside and wake to the hints of nature or roll the bed into your minimalistic house escape. One way or another, you’ll wake to the harmony and calm of our 72-section of land farm, loose and prepared to encounter the wizardry of Wound Horns Edge.

The Glass House is planned as a heartfelt escape. Appreciate morning espresso.
Visitors have private admittance to the whole Glass House as well as Complimentary wireless internet and stopping. Outside, visitors approach their confidential hot tub, fire-pit and Blackstone Frying pan, as well as every open air region, including the 72 sections of land where you are allowed to investigate. You ought to bring climbing shoes or boots to investigate the grounds.