San Antonio, Texas FOR SALE $22,800

Understudy fabricated modest home. The Grizzly brag of an exquisite cedar nation feel. Less the space, the house is 152 square feet of conservative living. The home comes total with a nation style kitchen complete with stove and fridge. The white cupboards complement the home giving it that cutting edge nation feel. The restroom incorporates a highlighted ceremic tile shower with a tile floor. The home gloat of a hardwood built floor. The advanced nation sytle apparatuses and turn of the centry covering gives the home that vibe of rich nation living. The LP lap red cedar hued agreeing with the light baige highlights makes certain to satisfy any nation living aficionado. The open air living region grows the homes living space to a rough 320 square feet of living space. The home comes total with A/C and warming. The Grizzly comes link and web prepared. It is an absolute necessity see. The house is moderate and evaluated beneath advertise esteem.